Public Libraries Section | Public Libraries Building Awards

The Building Award is presented annually alternating between new construction and renovation. The 2024 award is for new construction.

The focus of the award is the impact that a new construction project has had on the library’s ability to provide services to its community. Emphasis will be placed on projects that demonstrate cost effective solutions, and/or innovative use of space and floor plans, and/or a commitment to environmental sustainability . 

The selected library will receive a $1,000 cash award, a display plaque and an official press release from the Public Libraries Section of NYLA for the library to distribute to local media outlets.

Applications Due: August 1, 2024.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • A Public Library in New York State
  • Attendance at the NYLA Conference the year of the award
  • Current Public Libraries Section Board Member Libraries’ are ineligible
  • Previous winners are ineligible

Applicants must submit a two (2) page maximum narrative that includes:

  • Demographic information about the community: population served, annual budget, annual circulation

  • Architectural drawings and completed photos

  • Project budget summary

  • Explanation of need, planning involved, community benefits, public response, press coverage or marketing materials.

*Photographs, press and marketing materials can be submitted as addendums.

All new construction projects must have been completed by December 31 of the year prior to the award presentation.

To apply for a PLS NYLA Building Award, please email a letter meeting the criteria outlined above to: [email protected]. Please put 2024 PLS Conference Building Award in the subject line. Questions may be sent to the same email address.