Public Libraries Section | Innovative Program Award

The Public Libraries Section of NYLA wishes to recognize and honor innovative, impactful programming in libraries throughout New York State. The award consists of a plaque for your library and a cash prize of $600. 

The PLS Innovative Program Award will recognize programs produced in public libraries that are new to the library’s community, fulfill an identified need in the community, and which have a measurable, positive impact on the target audience. 

Applications Due: August 1, 2024.

Eligibility Requirements:

•    A Public Library in New York State
•    Attendance at the 2024 NYLA Conference
•    Current Public Libraries Section Board Member Libraries’ are ineligible
•    Previous Winners are ineligible

Application Process: Write an essay that addresses the below criteria and answers the following questions:

  1. The program is new to the area served by the public library – The program may have been produced somewhere else in the state, country, or world, but has been adapted to the community served within the last calendar year. Describe how you learned about the program and adapted it to your community, or how you created the program if it is original to your library.
  2. The program fulfills an identified need in the community served – Why was this program implemented in your community? Cite community reports, demographics, surveys, or other evidence that you used to develop and implement the program.
  3. The program has a measurable, positive impact on the target audience – Show how the program was evaluated and show evidence that it improved the quality of life for participants. 

To apply for a PLS Innovative Programs Award, please email a letter meeting the criteria outlined above to: [email protected]. Please put 2024 PLS Innovative Programs Award in the subject line. Questions may be sent to the same email address.