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LibAnswers for Public Libraries
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
Category: Continuing Education

LibAnswers for Public Libraries

Link To Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkf-ugrzssH9xKaErvDYnk0zYnxj2wftIW

Topic: LibAnswers for Public Libraries

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 22, 2024  / 10-11 AM

Description: LibAnswers is a mobile-first, complete reference solution allowing users to search FAQs, submit questions, and more in a multi-channel communication platform. The searchable knowledge base of FAQs is available 24/7/365, so your users can get the support they need, when they need it - even if it's at 4 AM!

LibAnswers is a great resource for Public Libraries – from the easy-to-use ticketing functionality to live chat with backup from the WNYLRC AskUs 24/7 Cooperative, this feature-rich platform simplifies patron communication and provides detailed statistics to boot!

This session will cover:

  • Examples from Public Library clients
  • Patron experience
  • Admin interface walkthrough
  • Reference Analytics & statistics

 This webinar will be recorded and disseminated to all registrants, regardless of attendance. However, to receive a certificate of attendance, registrants must attend live and participate.

Speaker: Sarah N. Probst. Sarah N. Probst is the Consortium Sales Manager at Springshare. Prior to joining Springshare, she worked for several library consortia in the US, primarily in eResources management and member services. She received her MLIS from The University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa and is an avid Crimson Tide football fan - much to the chagrin of her husband and family. Sarah resides in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with her partner and two fuzzy office assistants, Seraphina and Jack.


Contact: Caitlin Kenny - [email protected]