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Intellectual Freedom Support Group
Thursday, February 29, 2024, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Category: Continuing Education

Are you scared of challenges at your library?

Have the culture wars taken the joy out of your work?

Do you feel like you are being attacked for your materials or programs?

If you would like to talk and need some support for your library intellectual freedom work then the New York Library Association is here for you.

NYLA will be offering a monthly support group for library workers who are feeling the pressure of standing fast for others’ reading rights.

These conversations are entirely confidential and voluntary. There will be people there who can offer you advice about what you are going through but the first goal of this group is to support one another. These discussions are currently facilitated by Frank McKenna.

These are drop-in, drop-out sessions for library professionals with no membership requirement for participation. Let us support you and help us to support your colleagues in libraries.

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