NYLA is open to all members of the library community, librarians, library workers, library trustees, libraries, and even library vendors. Not sure where to start? Learn how NYLA memberships work here.
If you have any questions, please contact Lauren Hoyt by email [email protected] or phone 518-432-6952 x104.

NYLA offers a couple different membership options; you can explore all your choices below.


Personal memberships are for individuals who would like to become members of NYLA. Annual dues vary based on income level and employment status. Please note if you are 

Personal Member Types Annual Dues 2024-2025 Annual Dues 2025-2026
Professional Member (Librarian / IT / Management) 
Up to $39,999 $80 $100
$40,000 - $99,999 $100 $125
$100,000+ $175 $200
Trustee, Friend, Retired, Library Assistant, Support Staff
  $50  $60
New Student Criteria - Member making less than $40k/yr., Associates through Masters Degree $30

DON'T WANT TO JOIN ONLINE?  *Please note due to the transition to the new system in January 2024 and the changes in our membership structure, fees, etc., our paper forms are being revamped and are currently unavailable. We apologize for this inconvenience. We kindly request you use the electronic Join Form to establish membership in our new system at this time. If you need any assistance in doing so, please contact [email protected]

Organizational memberships are for libraries and other organizations that would like to become members of NYLA. Organizational memberships have one (1) key contact that will manage the account and is responsible for making sure all included members are added accurately. We strongly recommend that is your organization's director. Organizational members receive discounted booths at the NYLA  Annual conference, free job postings on the NYLA JOBLine, and associate memberships for library staff.

Organizational Membership Types Included Associate Memberships Annual Dues 2024-2025  Annual Dues 2025-2026
Library/Library System  
$1 - $100K 2 $100 $200
$100K - $500K 5 $350 $500
$500K - $1M 8 $500 $800
$1M - $3M 15 $1,000 $1,500
$3M - $10M 25 $1,850 $2,500
$10M+ 30 $2,750 $3,000
Additional Associate Membership $100
Friends Group                    
  5 $100 $150
Additonal Friend Membership    $50 $60
Trustee Group (Replacing previous LTAS rider)
  7 $140 $210
Additonal Trustee Membership   $50 $60
Non-Library Organization 
(Nonprofit, Governmental, Academic and For-Profit Institutions) 2 $150 $200

DON'T WANT TO JOIN ONLINE?  *Please note due to the transition to the new system in January 2024 and the changes in our membership structure, fees, etc., our paper forms are being revamped and are currently unavailable. We apologize for this inconvenience. We kindly request you use the electronic Join Form to establish membership in our new system at this time. If you need any assistance in doing so, please contact [email protected]

Trustee Group Memberships (Replacing LTAS Rider for Organizational Memberships)

In 2023, the Balanced Budget Task Force recommended, and NYLA Council voted to eliminate the LTAS Trustee Rider. Organizational members wishing to get their trustees memberships can use the Trustee Group member type to establish membership for 7 members. Additonal trustees would be $50 each

Please note this membership type will not be within the organizational account, but will have the organization's name included in member profile. If organizational members choose to include trustees in their organizational memberships, they will not receive trustee rates for registrations. Registration rates will automatically populate based on your member type and trustees who are designated as an organizational member in the system will be provided organizational member rates. To get trustee rates. the member must be either a personal trustee membership or part of a trustee group membership.  

As with all organizational member types, this group will require a Key Contact who will be responsible for controling the member profiles. We recommend that be the president of your board. If library directors or billing departments are creating these accounts for their trustees, please make sure all contact information is that of the actual members. 

Any questions about trustee memberships can be directed to Lauren Hoyt at [email protected]

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Unit Dues

Individuals must be a member of NYLA to belong to any unit. All members receive one (1) included sections with their membership.

Additional Sections  $15
Roundtables  $10


For organizational accounts, Key Contacts are required to submit an included sections for each member added to the account in a membership form. Additional Sections and Roundtables can be added to any member profile by using the Unit Form provided beneath their welcome banner in the member profile menu.  

Join/Renewal Policies

All potential/current members are required to create an invoice in the system for joining or renewing their membership with the organization. While the electronic join/renewal forms are our preferred method of invoice creation, the office will also accept paper forms emailed to the [email protected]. Paper forms allow the office to generate an invoice for payment. Once that is available in a member's profile, payment can be sent to the office, or a credit card can be submitted. 

Payment is required to establish an active membership within our system. All checks sent to the office should include the invoice number in the check memo/description area. Payments sent without an invoice number included will be returned. 

Payment Options

All forms in our new system have two payment options. 

Pay Now This is to enter credit cards 


Invoice Me

This replaces our previous "Bill Later" option. Invoice Me should be chosen if persons/organizations wish to generate an invoice for payment. An email field will be provided for a billing contact to be sent the open invoice for payment. If there is no billing contact email available, the invoice should be sent to the member.  Members will be responsible for getting the invoice to their respective billing department. Please note the NYLA office no longer mails invoices.  





PO Options

As our new system no longer provides a PO option during checkout, members who will be using a PO to get approval for payment to be sent to the NYLA office, can get this approval in a few different ways.

1.) Members can use (screenshot) the rates provided on this page as proof of membership information.

2.) Members can complete the Join Form/Renewal Form and establish an invoice using the Bill Later option to serve as a "quote" for membership. Once the PO is approved, if a date following the approval is required on the membership invoice, email the office at [email protected] and the date on the invoice can be adjusted. This finalized invoice can be emailed to the billing contact. Please note, the NYLA office no longer mails membership invoices or forms. Email should be provided on all PO and inquiries for all requests to be fulfilled.

3.) Members can use the 2024-2025 Membership PO Request Form to generate a quote to submit for payment. Please note this form is not a membership form and should solely be used to generate a quote for membership fees. Once approved members will be responsible for completing a membership form (join/renewal) to establish an account in the system. These forms will not be monitored by the office and will allow for multiple submissions. A confirmation email will be emailed once created. If there are any questions about this process, please contact [email protected]


NEW NYLA Discounted Student Membership Option

Beginning April 1st, 2024, NYLA will be offering a new discounted student membership option for anyone wishing to be a member of both American Library Association and NYLA. Active student members of ALA can upload their ALA membership documentation (confirmation email, membership certificate, etc.) and receive a discounted membership with NYLA for $10

Documentation of membership must include the following:

  • Name of Member
  • Member Number
  • Expiration Date of Membership

Once documentation is uploaded into the member’s join/renewal form, they will be provided a discount code to enter at the end of their form to receive the discounted rate. NYLA student members must also upload proof of being a student as noted in the join/renewal form.

All student membership forms are placed into a “pending” status once submitted for review by the office. Once the office has reviewed your form submission, the student account will become active.

NYLA membership is now a fixed membership year of June 1st – May 31st. Each year membership renewal will open approx. 45 days prior to the new May 31st expiration date. Members will be required to renew during that time.

Please note students wishing to use this discount must become a student member of ALA first to upload membership documentation in their NYLA membership form. If this information is not uploaded, a discount will not be provided.

Student members who joined ALA and NYLA using the past Joint Membership process between April 1st, 2023, and March 31st, 2024,will be added to the new database by the office. A welcome email for their existing membership and new member profile access instructions will be sent.

Questions regarding student memberships can be directed to Lauren Hoyt at [email protected].